2 min read
Jan 2024




Putting Purpose into Practice:
The Economics of Mutuality

Edited by Colin Mayer and Bruno Roche; OUP (2021).

This new book explores how the Economics of Mutuality empowers business to thrive by meeting the needs of the world. It includes chapters written by responsible business experts, as well as in-depth case studies covering a wide range of contexts.


Chinese edition of Putting Purpose into Practice (2022).


Completing Capitalism:
Heal Business to Heal the World

By Bruno Roche and Jay Jakub; Berrett-Koehler (2017).

This analytically rigorous and eminently practical book offers a new form of capitalism that delivers superior holistic performance because it mobilizes and generates human, social, and natural capital along with financial capital.


Chinese edition of Completing Capitalism (2018).


Prosperity: Better Business
Makes the Greater Good

By Colin Mayer; OUP (2018).

Professor Colin Mayer, co-founder of the Economics of Mutuality Lab at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, sets out a comprehensive new agenda for the corporation as a unique and powerful force for promoting economic and social wellbeing.
